Denison College - Bathurst High Campus

Safe Respectful Learners

Telephone02 6331 3755

COVID-19: Changes to Scheduled Events

COVID-19: Changes to Events

The department has been planing and operating in accordance with its pandemic plan to support the safety and wellbeing of staff and students...

NSW government logoThe department has been planing and operating in accordance with its pandemic plan to support the safety and wellbeing of staff and students.
Advice provided to schools is to postpone or cancel any non-essential school based or external activity.

School Assemblies and Year Meetings:
From Monday 16th March 2020, Bathurst High will look at alternative ways to communicate with students and parents other than through school asemblies and year meetings.

  • Thursday Bell Times will reflect normal Monday Bell Times
  • All School assemblies and year group meetings are cancelled until further notice.

School Excursions:
All School excursions outside of your school's local community will be cancelled until further notice.

  • Denison College have collectively agreed that all school excursions (including local sport, sportng carnivals and other activities) will be cancelled until further notice.
  • Shared Stage 6 courses will continue to proceed as planned. Further advice may follow if the current situaion changes.
  • Planned onsite incursions involving external presenters will need to be rescheduled for later in the year. 

Activities and Events:
All major Arts, Sports and initiative activities and events will temporarily be ceased until further notices. This includes whole school sporting events and inter-school events involving three or more schools. 

  • Students from Bathurst High Campus will not be attending CHS sporting compeititons or trials until further notice.
  • All after school creative and performing arts sessions at Bathurst High Campus are cancelled until further notice. This includes Swing Factor, Chill Factor, Serious Fun, Vocal Group and private music lessons.
  • After school homework centres and tutoring are cancelled until further notice.

Conferences, Professional Learning, Seminars and Gatherings:
School staff should not be arranging or attending large conferences or educational seminars. Our plan is to reduce non-essential activity.

  • Staff briefings, morning teas and afterschool meetings are cancelled until further notice.
  • Parent Information Nights and Parent Teacher Interviews are postponed until later in the year. 
  • All non-essential professional learning will be cancelled or rescheduled.

Safe School Environments:
Bathurst High Campus will aim to maintain a clean and safe school environment in coming days with a variety of strategies.

  • Introduction of regular and enhanced cleaning for high touch surfaces such as student desks. Staff will be provided cleaning wipes for students to use on desks and hand sanitiser once we have them available. 
  • Using outdoor settings where possible.
  • Staff should increase ventilation in class rooms.
  • Our school canteen will ensure that all canteen staff are free from illness in food preparation areas. 

Our School will continue to follow the guidelines from the Department of Education and will update families as soon as possible.

Please contact the school directly ifyou have any issues or concerns.

Ken Barwick | Principal - Bathurst High Campus