Denison College - Bathurst High Campus

Safe Respectful Learners

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Dension College

Denison College of Secondary Education

Kelso High Campus and Bathurst High Campus

Denison College of Secondary Education consists of two year 7-12 campuses with a shared senior curriculum. The College commenced operation in 2007.

Located in Bathurst, the college is the largest provider of secondary education in the area with student numbers for 2018 of over 1900, a college teaching staff of 130 and support staff of 30.

Key college programs

  • Shared senior curriculum, with courses offered across both campuses, as well as TAFE.
  • Innovative transition programs (Iexplore and ILearn) with partner Primary schools in Bathurst
  • Partnerships with Charles Sturt University, local government, business and industry

Innovation. Opportunity. Success.

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