When students wear a school uniform, they feel included in our school community.
Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community helped develop our school uniform to make sure it:
· meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation
· includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics
· is appropriate for the full range of school activities
· is suitable for all body shapes.
Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy.
Uniforms at Bathurst High Campus
Bathurst High is a uniform school. The uniform is designed to be affordable and flexible. Students do not change for physical activity lessons. The climate is also very cold in the winter so the uniform is centered around the concept of an "everyday" uniform that can be used for every type of learning that the students will experience.
Footwear is especially vital. Shoes that can be used for physical activity but are completely enclosed on the top of the foot are mandatory. These shoes combine the need for comfort with work health and safety requirements found in many practical subjects. More information is available at the enrolment interview or transition evenings.
In addition, Bathurst High has a formal uniform. Students can mix the formal with the everyday uniform. Students who represent the school at formal events in the community must purchase the formal uniform. The school will supply blazers as part of the formal uniform if this is required.
If parents and carers wish to discuss any uniform issues, for example, conflicts caused by religious beliefs, then please contact the Campus Principal.
Purchasing Uniforms
All Bathurst High Campus uniforms are available through Fifty8 George. Fifty8 George is a locally owned business that is located in the township of Bathurst, at 58 George Street. The regular opening hours for the shop are 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday. For uniform enquiries please fell free to contact us on 6331 3755, or alternatively, call Fifty8 George on 6331 3388. You can also visit the Fifty8 George website at www.fifty8george.com.au.

Uniform Assistance
If parents or students have financial problems which affects the purchase of uniform, financial assistance is available. Please contact the Principal or Deputy Principals.
Formal School Uniform
Students are expected to wear the formal school uniform if they are playing in school band, public speaking or is representing the school at functions and events other than sporting occasions.
Ties and blazers can be borrowed from the Administration Office for one off occasions. All other formal uniforms are available from the BHC Uniform Shop.
Failure to Wear School Uniform/What If You Don’t Have Uniform?
Failure to wear school uniform is acceptable only for a short period of time. An Out of Uniform slip will be handed out in roll call before the start of normal lessons. Students must show this slip to any teacher who asks for it during the day. The Deputy Principal will contact parents if frequent non uniform slips are issued to seek and explanation.
What happens if I don't get an out of uniform note?
To deliberately disobey the rule about uniform will result in students being subject to the same consequences where students do not follow other rules.